for example i tried to view how much news posted grouping by week in year 2009
you will get the warning message
error , Line 5
Column 'News.DatePosted' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
what's wrong? yup you need to add the group by
so we are going to add the group by
still error? try to use the column instead, it's because sql server group by only regonise the column in group by not alias (like in My SQL)

SELECT DATEPART(WK,DatePosted) AS WeekNumber, COUNT(NewsID) AS NewsPosts FROM News WHERE DATEPART(YYYY, dbo.News.DatePosted) = 2009 ORDER BY WeekNumber
you will get the warning message
error , Line 5
Column 'News.DatePosted' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
what's wrong? yup you need to add the group by
so we are going to add the group by
SELECT DATEPART(WK,DatePosted) AS WeekNumber, COUNT(NewsID) AS NewsPosts FROM News WHERE DATEPART(YYYY, dbo.News.DatePosted) = 2009 GROUP BY WeekNumber ORDER BY WeekNumber
still error? try to use the column instead, it's because sql server group by only regonise the column in group by not alias (like in My SQL)
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