ASP script untuk mencegah SQL injection

berikut adalah script buat mencegah SQL injection... gw lupa dapat darimana, intinya dia melacak karakter-karakter yang bisa dipakai buat SQL injection. sriptnya menscan input secara keseluruhan baik dari form, URL bahkan cookies. ditulis dalam ASP.
'  Author: Nazim Lala
'  This is the include file to use with your asp pages to
'  validate input for SQL injection.

Dim BlackList, ErrorPage, s

'  Below is a black list that will block certain SQL commands and
'  sequences used in SQL injection will help with input sanitization
'  However this is may not suffice, because:
'  1) These might not cover all the cases (like encoded characters)
'  2) This may disallow legitimate input
'  Creating a raw sql query strings by concatenating user input is
'  unsafe programming practice. It is advised that you use parameterized
'  SQL instead. Check for information
'  on how to do this using ADO from ASP.
'  Moreover, you need to also implement a white list for your parameters.
'  For example, if you are expecting input for a zipcode you should create
'  a validation rule that will only allow 5 characters in [0-9].

BlackList = Array("--", ";", "/*", "*/", "@@", "@",_
                "char", "nchar", "varchar", "nvarchar",_
                "alter", "begin", "cast", "create", "cursor",_
                "declare", "delete", "drop", "end", "exec",_
                "execute", "fetch", "insert", "kill", "open",_
                "select", "sys", "sysobjects", "syscolumns",_
                "table", "update")

'  Populate the error page you want to redirect to in case the
'  check fails.

ErrorPage = "ErrorPage.asp"

'  This function does not check for encoded characters
'  since we do not know the form of encoding your application
'  uses. Add the appropriate logic to deal with encoded characters
'  in here
Function CheckStringForSQL(str)
On Error Resume Next

Dim lstr

' If the string is empty, return true
If ( IsEmpty(str) ) Then
CheckStringForSQL = false
Exit Function
ElseIf ( StrComp(str, "") = 0 ) Then
CheckStringForSQL = false
 Exit Function
End If

lstr = LCase(str)

' Check if the string contains any patterns in our
' black list
For Each s in BlackList

If ( InStr (lstr, s) <> 0 ) Then
CheckStringForSQL = true
Exit Function
  End If


CheckStringForSQL = false

End Function

'  Check forms data

For Each s in Request.Form
If ( CheckStringForSQL(Request.Form(s)) ) Then

' Redirect to an error page

End If

'  Check query string

For Each s in Request.QueryString
If ( CheckStringForSQL(Request.QueryString(s)) ) Then

' Redirect to error page

End If


'  Check cookies

For Each s in Request.Cookies
If ( CheckStringForSQL(Request.Cookies(s)) ) Then

' Redirect to error page

End If



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