my Pale broken wings, you're just a little tired from the sky which is too blue. Don't do it for anyone else. Just smile for yourself ...
My pale broken wings
my Pale broken wings, you're just a little tired from the sky which is too blue. Don't do it for anyone else. Just smile for yourself ...
The Top 20 replies by programmers when their programs do not work
The Top 20 replies by programmers when their programs do not work:
20. "That's weird..."
19. "It's never done that before."
18. "It worked yesterday."
17. "How is that possible?"
16. "It must be a hardware problem."
15. "What did you type in wrong to get it to crash?"
14. "There is something funky in your data."
13. "I haven't touched that module in weeks!"
12. "You must have the wrong version."
11. "It's just some unlucky coincidence."
10. "I can't test everything!"
9. "THIS can't be the source of THAT."
8. "It works, but it hasn't been tested."
7. "Somebody must have changed my code."
6. "Did you check for a virus on your system?"
5. "Even though it doesn't work, how does it feel?
4. "You can't use that version on your system."
3. "Why do you want to do it that way?"
2. "Where were you when the program blew up?"
And the Number One reply by programmers when their programs don't work:
1. "It works on my machine."
from :

20. "That's weird..."
19. "It's never done that before."
18. "It worked yesterday."
17. "How is that possible?"
16. "It must be a hardware problem."
15. "What did you type in wrong to get it to crash?"
14. "There is something funky in your data."
13. "I haven't touched that module in weeks!"
12. "You must have the wrong version."
11. "It's just some unlucky coincidence."
10. "I can't test everything!"
9. "THIS can't be the source of THAT."
8. "It works, but it hasn't been tested."
7. "Somebody must have changed my code."
6. "Did you check for a virus on your system?"
5. "Even though it doesn't work, how does it feel?
4. "You can't use that version on your system."
3. "Why do you want to do it that way?"
2. "Where were you when the program blew up?"
And the Number One reply by programmers when their programs don't work:
1. "It works on my machine."
from :
I want...
I likes my coffee black as hell, my music loud, and my code work....
and no bugs please...

and no bugs please...
Kata bijak hari ini
lelaki tampan berkata pada wanita....
"Tapi... tapi aku takut"
Serta merta lelaki tampan itu pun berkata.
"Kuarepmuuuuuuuuu suuuuuu!! pangan kae tapi!!"
hehehehe... ngambil dari salah satu forum bleach... suka senyum2 sendiri kalo dibaca lagi...

"kata tapi itu selalu ada. Kalo kamu mau lakukan sesuatu jangan takut ngadepin resikonya. Kamu diem aja pun kata tapi pasti muncul. Move on!!!"dan setelah berkata seperti itu, lelaki tampan itu langsung menemukan si wanita mulai menangis dan kemudian merengek.
"Tapi... tapi aku takut"
Serta merta lelaki tampan itu pun berkata.
"Kuarepmuuuuuuuuu suuuuuu!! pangan kae tapi!!"
hehehehe... ngambil dari salah satu forum bleach... suka senyum2 sendiri kalo dibaca lagi...
naming convention
penamaan variabel pada saat coding emang bikin puyeng.... saran terbaik ialah menambahakan awalan untuk mengenali tipe variabel yang kita deklarasikan..
penggunaannya simpel kalo ingin menamakan variabel string jadi = strName.
owkeh.. semoga berguna
hepi koding...

Prefix Notation | |
Integer | i |
Long | lng |
Single | sgl |
Double | dbl |
String | str |
Boolean | bol |
Object | obj |
owkeh.. semoga berguna
hepi koding...
Kurang tidur
yang ternyata cuman keliatan satu dua kayak bintang jatuh...
malah ngeliatin acara gak jelas di tipi... acara dengan menampilkan cewe-cewe bohai pada joget-joget gak jelas... :P